Sunday, April 16, 2017

10 Ways for Startups to Score Media Coverage

Every startup craves media coverage, as getting featured by major outlets has many benefits -- from branding and referral traffic to SEO.

Email and social outreach pitches bombard the top-tier media outlets and their journalists around the clock. So, how do you stand out and obtain media attention for your startup from the strongest outlets? After all, these outlets are covering startups daily -- so what are those companies doing differently?

Consider adapting these 10 ways to secure media coverage into your outreach strategy.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

4 Basics for Making the Move From Corporate Job to Entrepreneur

Why do so few of us follow our passions in life? Most of us go to work, to jobs we don’t love, working tireless hours for someone else’s vision and dream. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll have a great boss who motivates and inspires you to do better and friendly colleagues that support each other, as you all face daily internal and external challenges. And when your day is done, you get home feeling neither high nor low, just fortunate to be employed.

For those that aren’t so lucky, it’s a challenge to even get through each day. You dread waking up and having to go into work, your boss has an inferiority complex and makes your life very difficult, you’re part of a culture where you always feel like your job is at risk and are surrounded by colleagues that are so infused with fear, they stab each other in the back to get ahead.

While the first example sounds much better than the second, neither should be acceptable. Life is too precious and short for us to spend even one second of our day not doing something we love
So why don’t people take "leaps of faith" to do what they love? Fear. Fear of failure. Fear of not knowing where to begin. Fear of not making money. Fear of losing insurance coverage. Fear of upsetting their family. The list of fears goes on and on. Those fears are certainly warranted, but at what cost?

Monday, April 3, 2017

The 4 Embers of the Entrepreneurial Fire

The difference between a Silicon Valley icon and the employee next door isn’t funding -- most of the time it isn’t even the idea -- it’s the entrepreneurial fire within.

Yet, more often than not, the entrepreneurial flame is extinguished just as quickly as it was lit. So how do you feed the fire?
The list of advice one can get online is endless. However, there are some crucial, fundamental words of wisdom. While these cornerstones can be hard to live by, and even harder to remain steadfast to, they are what makes entrepreneurs successful.